Giancarlo from Faithsedge interview
By; Jon
Made up of alumni from some of the biggest hard rock acts of the last 30yrs Faithsedge are a real force to be reckoned with. Bandleader Giancarlo Floridia is joined by ex-Stryper bassist Tim Gaines, powerhouse drummer Matt Starr who has played with Ace Frehley and Mr Big and former Dokken guitarist Alex De Rosso, who also acted as producer of the band’s latest album ‘Bleed for Passion’. RMUK caught up with the band to discuss the new release and future plans.
RMUK: Hi Giancarlo, thanks for taking the time out to speak with us. How did you guys end up coming together to form Faithedge? Do you all go way back or have only recently begun working together?
Hey thanks for having me, it kind of developed to the new lineup after working for a few years with Fabrizio Grossi . The good thing is i have history with some of the guys for example Tim Gaines I've known for almost 20 years now so when you bring someone on board that's not only super talented and easy to work with it's only better when they are like family to you also. Same with Matt Starr, made friends first and jammed and then later on the idea came in my head to ask him to join us.
But basically it started as an idea and then I started to reach out to different people I respected and asked if they wanted to give it a shot.
Once you have the songs and a game plan and you can follow through with getting it done it makes a difference with people wanting to work with you etc. So I was fortunate to have it happen the way it did.
RMUK: How would you describe your music to someone who hasn’t yet heard you play?
I would say like throwback music to where it was more organic less over produced then what you hear today. It's always been about having great songs and having quality complete albums to me. I grew up where you listened to full albums from start to finish wanted to read all the lyrics and things like that.
It's funny how now in life now in order to become a better musician you actually have to back in time instead of look forward to where we are now. When I started it was like pick up a guitar learn how to write song learn how to play better etc. Now it's like lets let the technology do it for us. So I am hoping when people heard us they go "Wow I remember when music used to be like this". So yea big guitars lots of vocals big drums and bass.
RMUK: The individual members of the band have played with some huge stars of the rock world. Who is the biggest artist you have had the pleasure of sharing a stage with or who would you love to share a stage with, that you haven’t as yet?
Well when I was a teenager I used to work with some multi-platinum artist that are actually left out of my bio and I learned quickly that just because someone is famous doesn't mean they are a good person. Working with those people had effects that really messed up my life for many years that I've finally recovered from so I really don't idolize anyone anymore after that experience. So in terms of who I would want to work with my perception is different now. I'd rather work with someone who is less maybe well known but is hungry and is a good person and easy to work with.
But if I'd have to say one person I would love to work with that is no longer with us, its Jani Lane he used to call me when I was like 19 and we would hang out at his gigs and we were buddies when he'd play in town here in Orange county. I just felt he and I got along well and I learned a lot about live performance and songwriting from him. People kind of can cut into the glam era of music but in the end he had some great songs like "Uncle Toms Cabin" or the whole "Dog eat Dog "album he did were top notc . I know he had his demons and they eventually took him over but I remember him as a humble fun loving guy. It's a shame he's gone, would have loved to write an album with him .
RMUK: If you could choose one other band to tour with who would it be and why?
It's kind of the same deal as what I mentioned before of course would be great to tour with some big band but would I be happy? I mean the first answer would be would love to open for KISS or Guns N Roses or a huge band for exposure but at this point in my life I'm all about being happy and healthy and spending time with my family and also doing to my music that will also help others feel better too.
The music biz isn't always what it seems so I feel if you can find a balance with it you’re good. Especially now due to illegal downloading that destroyed the industry in America for new artists and no more music scene in Los Angeles I've learned to just be grateful for what I have. But if I could, I’d love to go and play in Japan or Italy which is where my labels are. Would be nice to have a little vacation and also my guitar player produced Alex De Rosso is in Italy so it would be great to go see him and also maybe see some of the places where my family in Italy originates from.
So more or less I would just love to go to Japan or Italy to play. Club show, theater, stadium, I'd love to do any but it's more or less would just be cool to visit other countries .
RMUK: What are your current aspirations for Faithedge? Where do you see yourselves in the pantheon of world rock in five years time?
Right now the focus is to get the next lyric video rolling looks like we're up to 175k views in like a month or so I'm really happy with the results of "Angelic" but I think it's time for the album to take a bit of darker turn for the next song. So right now the goal is to get the lyric vid done for the next song and get it going and hopefully it will do as well as the last one.
In five years my hope would to be just to have out the best songs I can write and get them out either on the next Faithsedge album or another album / project.
At the end of the day it's all about putting my blood into the songs and vocals. Like to be able to have a vision in your mind one day and then create it and then see it on major rock sites or major vendors around the world is really great. Like I know this sounds funny but seeing my stuff at Walmart, Target, Barnes and Nobles, Amazons websites is pretty cool. One day I'm hearing a song in my head or coming up with a title or an album cover idea then a year or so later Universal Japan is distributing it and they have my poster in Tower records Japan.
It's a big accomplishment to me after losing everything years ago and pulling myself out of a personal hell and making a comeback. So in five years I am just hoping I can keep this hot streak I've had since 2011 or maybe do even better. Let's see what doors open next!
RMUK: Your latest release was produced by Alex and he has done an admirable job. If the band could choose one producer to work with on a future collaboration who would it be and why?
Yes I'm really happy with the work he did and it's our best received and reviewed album so far. It's pretty cool to work with him back and forth from Italy. He visited here for the Namm convention a few years ago and we talked it out and came up with the game plan and he really did such a great job.
The idea was a guitar rock organic album and I think he really knew what needed to be done. I also write the riffs and then we would take them and just do it in his style and I'm very happy with the feel he put into it. So honestly I would really just love to work with Alex again was a great experience! I mean if you said to me ok what about someone else I would say maybe James Jimbo Barton or Mike Shipley (he passed away also). But also you have to keep in mind those albums had huge budgets at the time with those producers because the music industry had a ton of money coming in. Now it's like be happy you have a product and you can get it out there ha ha! As you can see I'm a realist about the music biz.
RMUK: What does the next 12 months hold in store for Faithsedge?
Another lyric video, maybe 2? Then I'm going to start writing again someone very
awesome got me some recording gear for my birthday so I'm gonna set it up and see
where my next songs go. I would like it to be another Faithsedge album but I also
have another idea too so we will see. Either way defiantely more songs cause that's
what I'll always be remembered for at the end of the day .
RMUK: Are there any plans for a Faithsedge UK tour or festival appearance in
the UK?
Not as of now I've seen a few of the 2-3 day events that do like AOR type of
bands/hard rock. Would be cool to play one someday if possible I know we're a bit
heavier than some of that stuff but I also feel maybe we also would fit in. You never
know! Either way would be great to come out to the UK one day! And thanks for
the support!
RMUK: Good luck with the band and thanks very much for taking the time to
chat with us.
Band Members;
Giancarlo Floridia - Vocals /Guitar
Alex De Rosso - Lead Guitar
Tim Gaines - Bass
Matt Starr - Drums