Stevie R Pearce And The Hooligans - Major League Son Of A Bitch
Album review by; The Dark Cookie
Where do we start with “Major League Son Of A Bitch”? Well with a title like that, I hope you aren’t expecting a deep concept album, full of loads of intricate keyboard solos and long passages of music layered with lush harmonies and time-changes, you will be disappointed. This is Rock and Fuckin’ Roll baby! The band are called STEVIE R PEARCE AND THE HOOLIGANS for a reason, and one look at the A-Team like cover photo with the band looking mean and moody and Stevie about to smash someone with is guitar whilst chomping on a cigar Hannibal would be proud of. So the image is very much gonzoid, sleazy rockers playing big loud dumb slabs of R.O.C.K, and indeed for the most part this is very true. However like some of the artists Mr. Pearce has slung his guitar for like Jizzy Pearl (Love/Hate) and Warrior Soul, and indeed such new(er) bands such as The Dust Coda and Gorilla Riot, there is light as well as shade, and even a modicum of depth amongst the fun.
“Rip It Out” builds and builds and builds into a dang fine stomping, fist-pumping opening track built on some major shit-kicking drumming and riffage, with a suitable OTT solo from the main man, as opening tracks go it grabs you by the soft downstairs bits and drags you into the album.
Then “I’m On Fire” ties them to the rear bumper of a supped-up 70s muscle car and tears up the 1/4mile drag strip dragging you along with. The soloing is full of dirt and gasoline, and Stevie has the matches to make it ignite.
“Rush Of Blood To The Head” drops the pace for a breather, but is all punky attitude that chugs along with a sing-along chorus. Mr P doesn’t so much as sing the verses as goes from a snarl to a manic shout, and provides us with yet another superb solo.
“How High” keeps the ‘tude going, more fist in the air communal shouting and the guitar slung down low in the dirt, and like all the songs, the drumming is the driving beats propelling the whole thing forward.
The title track “Major League Son Of A Bitch” is exactly what you would expect from a title like that, huge riff, massive drums, off the scale soloing and chorus I can already hear being screamed by the crowds.
Which brings us to one of those tracks that proves this is not just a cave-man play loud, stoopid rockers, no “If I Were Blind” is a superb change of pace and tone. The sort of heart-felt dramatic emotional song only that only supremely confident and accomplished rockers of the caliber we have here can pull off with such ease and restrained passion.
And only a true rock band could turn through 180 degrees with such ease and sound so on point. “Over The Top” is a MONSTER! One of the sleaziest licks you will hear this year, matched by the pounding drumming, this band are gnats-chuff tight to be able to produce something like this.
“Just A State Of Mind”. Wow! Just wow! Again another gear-change, a soaring, soulful tune. The bass line is incredible, as is the guitar, this beautify-powerful; almost 60’s like track has Stevie R singing like a (fallen) angel.
“Information Not Advice” is again something different, yes, it’s a rocker, but it has a different, dare I say serious tone about it. There is a meaning amongst its chugging moody drums and riffs and subtle layers of synths. It is very much a song reflecting the last year/18 months we the people have endured at the hands of both the bloody virus and our f**king politicians.
“Fleshwound” is different again! A quirky wired again serious broody building song, which reminds me of another song, which I cannot put my finger on. But before we the listener feels everything has gone too serious…
“Lunatics By The Pool” could not be any dumber, punky, stupid, jump around FUN FUNFUN burst of energy, it had me pogoing all over the living-room!
“Trouble” is a mid-paced rocker that perhaps is the weakest link of an exceptionally high benchmark, a great song by most standards, but in comparison to its brothers and sisters it is the weak runt of the litter. “Hammered” however is a fitting ending to this mighty fine album. A catchy tune, and saving one of the best solos till last, and again I can see myself singing along with when we get the chance to see The Hooligans live over the next few months.
A nearly perfect album and one that will sit highly in my personal top ten for the year.
4.5 out of 5.
Stevie R Pearce - Lead Vocals / Guitar
Lance Skybaby -Rhythm Guitar
Richard Jones - Bass
Carl Donoghue – Drums
Social Media Links:
Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/StevieRPearceAndTheHooligans/
You Tube; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTTeX0Rbws7R61oELHdNEz
Spotify; https://open.spotify.com/artist/0N7HMeVZp0Icnn0NbinFcD?si=W6iUWUoxQl6yxG3I17-DMA&dl_branch=1
Track listing;
Rip It Out
I'm On Fire
Rush Of Blood To The Head
How High
Major League Son Of A Bitch
If I Were Blind
Over The Top
Just A State Of Mind
Information Not Advice
Lunatics By The Pool