Gorilla Riot – Peach
Release date – 31/01/2020
Album review by; Danny Price
And what a peach this one is! Well, I had to get the pun in at some point, didn’t I?
Gorilla Riot were first formed in Manchester in 2013 and now have a good few miles under their belt as well as a few Eps’ and singles, but this year will see the release of their first full-length album, ‘Peach’.
So, the first hit on the album is ‘Riders I’ which starts with a great big, heavy opening riff before the second guitar kicks in. It’s a nice instrumental start that leads into ‘Riders II’ which Is pretty much more or less the same just with huge vocals added and the cool heavy rolling groove rolls on to the end with a serious rip-tearing guitar finish. We’re off to a good start!
‘Still Doing Time’ is next and has another cool groove with a loose sounding/fuzzy vocals that clears up as the song goes. ‘Mind Your Head’ comes at you with a massive solo from the off that then goes into a classy type of old style blues with a proper 60s/70s feel to it.
Now up for the albums first single, ‘Half Cut’ which has another monster sounding, foot stamping guitar based groove and is just simply loud, heavy British blues. ‘Young Guns’ the albums other single shifts things up yet another level, just before the thoroughly bluesy ‘Help The Guilty’ which again finishes with a southern sounding guitar solo. Next up is ‘Reckless Till Death’ and this fast paced gem ups the pace furthermore.
‘Black Heart Woman’ is almost a funky bluesy little number, then ‘Prayer For Suckers’ which has a lovely melodic feel to it, not too dissimilar to the likes of some Soundgarden and Alice in Chains.
Song number 11 needs to be turned up 11, because ‘Beat Your Bite’ starts with a cleaner sound which slowly builds to a real dirty almost AC/DC type of groove.
Last on this so far groove laden album is ‘Chuggin” a proper 70s rocker which
would go down very well with some Free and Bad
Company fans.
This is a real top notch album that sounds awesome played loud. There are
some huge catchy riffs, strong sounding vocals and at times almost gentle
sounding southern melodies which have all been blended together brilliantly.
It is a great start to 2020 for the Gorilla Riot boys, so, could this be their year?
Outcome ----- 4.5/5
Gorilla Riot is:
Arjun Bhishma – Lead Vocals / Guitars
Liam Henry – Guitars / Backing Vocals
Charly T – Guitars / Backing Vocals
James ‘Deggy’ Degnen – Bass
Will Lewis – Drums