We caught up with Wayne for a quick chat;
Interview by; Trundmyster
You have a new album out soon, what was the process like to your last two albums, was it easier to write and record the songs and how long from start to finish did it take?
The way we wrote the songs was different due to the pandemic, we couldn't get into a rehearsal room and work on the structures of the songs. So, if Josh or Chris came in with an idea, they laid down the idea as a guide and we all built it up from there. When writing the lyrics and melodies of the compositions that they'd written, I'd be limited to what it was that they'd recorded which was a different way of working for me personally. It was exciting though. I was writing the melodies and lyrics from listening back to rough mixes of what we were working on. For the songs I wrote myself, I already had the basic lyrics and melodies so everyone was more aware from the start what the song was going to be like. As we were on a deadline, we recorded the album quicker than any we've recorded before. I think this helped focus what we were doing and forced us to say 'stop' on songs rather than get bogged down in adding more and more layers of extra instruments.
Where do the inspirations for your songs come from?
Well, for this album, it was a mix of my thoughts and feelings around what I'd been watching and witnessing through lockdown. The UK Government refusing PPE donations from UK companies, to then hand contracts out to their friends and families to do this type of work that they'd never done before... As well as all the other crazy decisions they've made over the period...Then we have some songs that are based on my own personal experiences over the years. So it's a mix...
What do you like to do in your down time and do any of you have any new interesting hobbies, does this help with your song writing?
I don't get much spare time! Ha ha. When I do, my favourite thing to do, outside of music and watching bands, is to go to Elland Road and watch Leeds United play football. My Dad's family is from Leeds, so we were brought up as Leeds fans. My brothers and I go up with my Dad and see family, have a few beers and then go to the game. I try to make sure I fit in at least a 5k run every day, so yes, I do use that to think about song ideas and ideas for the band and how we can push forward. I also love to watch a good series and films at home as well. Nothing overly interesting I'm afraid.
Which songs do you most enjoy playing live and why?
The most popular ones that people know and sing back to you...That will never get tiring!
What is the best thing about being on the road and playing live?
Just seeing things and meeting people that you wouldn't have otherwise. People are so supportive of us; it genuinely takes me by surprise. I've made genuine friends with people who have come to see us play and just building a rapport through our music.
Before going on stage, do any of you have any rituals that you do for good luck?
I don't, no, not that I'm aware of anyway.... I know Gary and P are weird about having chewing gum when they play, so they hunt it out prior to a show. It must be like toilet paper by the end of the set. Yuck!
If you could play any venue in the world, where would it be and why?
The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. The sound is incredible in there when the roof is closed. And obviously for a Welsh band that would be the pinnacle. Obviously only if it was full though...
What are the best things you like about your fans when you meet them after a gig?
Their support! It's incredible. They're the ones who keep the fire burning and make you want to carry on doing what we do. Honestly, the support we get is out of this world. It's just really nice to be able to chat to them afterwards about anything and everything. We appreciate it so much.
What has been your favourite venue or festival you have played so far?
We played Cardiff Castle with Those Damn Crows in August last year. It was amazing. The view from stage, the aura, everything about it was just incredible. We were so happy to be asked to be involved...It was like being a timewasting sub in the 90th minute when your team are on the verge of winning the Cup final. The Crows did all the hard work and sold the event out and us being there made no difference to anything, we just run on stage, did a few stretches and waved at people...but we absolutely loved it. :) We also became the first local band to sell out the Ffwrnes Theatre in Llanelli (our hometown) in 2019, which was special. It's a lovely place to play as well...
Do you prefer playing the large music festivals or the smaller intimate ones and why?
Both are great! And for differing reasons...Playing to a massive crowd who get into you is a huge buzz. But the smaller ones you get the chance to mingle and chat to people.
If you could go back in time to any era and tour with anyone, which era and who would it be?
Probably the late 70's or 80's. I'd love to have seen Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band in their peak. But then I'd also loved to have witnessed the craziness that happened in the 80's with Guns n Roses or Motley Crue... Just to see if it was as nuts as people say.
What is the most extravagant thing you have ever bought?
My guitar probably...Only the guitar players would agree that 3 Gibson Les Paul's isn't extravagant...