Having sat on the Hooligans 2nd album for over a year, and rescheduling twice, Heavy Rocka Recordings have unveiled the release date as 28th August 2021 to coincide with the band’s debut performance at Hard Rock Hell Sleaze at the 02 Academy in Sheffield.
Stevie R Pearce is an experienced performer, globally, locally, and probably in your front room. If there’s a glam rock icon he hasn’t toured with, then lord knows who they are. He has stood in the shadows, and at some point or another has probably given you the best night of your life – you just didn’t know who he was!
Describing himself as having a foot in the gutter, the other on the sidewalk, Stevie is better known perhaps (depending on whether you’ve just found him or not) for his endeavors in Jizzy Pearl’s latest incarnation of Love/Hate, his work in Warrior Soul, and as original hellraiser of the Black Bullets.
Major League Son of a Bitch will be released on all the usual digital platforms, CD and Vinyl – which will follow on after the release date due to delays in the Vinyl manufacturing industry.